Saturday, May 24, 2008


I've always thought that Saturday was my favorite day of the week. It was the day you could sleep a little longer, a day off, following a long school week. It was the day you went on special trips, shopped for all those special items, went to the movies, and then got to sit up late. It was a day to make pizza and invite your friends and family to share. I always liked Saturdays.
Still do. Except now I work on Saturday, so I can't sleep late. The price of gas has skyrocketed so I've stopped going on all those special trips. With the economy the way it is...I have to watch my spending, so I really evaluate purchases of "special items". Yes I still go to the movies...but only about 2 or 3 a year. Most of the movies now are not what I'd pay to see. And I do stay up later on Saturday nights...although now I find myself napping in my recliner throughout the evening.
That leaves pizza. I have to admit I don't make pizza anymore...just pick up the phone and order it. Come to think of's Saturday. And I always liked Saturdays.

Friday, May 23, 2008


It's just my luck. ..again. Whenever I find a TV show that I's cancelled. And it's happened again. I seem to "discover" shows about halfway through the season, start watching and then POW!! Cancelled!!
I'm talking about a show called "Moonlight". It usually airs on Friday nights. Its a great show with interesting characters who just happen to be vampires. Yep! You heard me right. in Dracula. Except these are modern day vampires who work, drive (nice cars too I might add), and use all the modern conveniences available to all of us mere mortals.
And if you're thinking these vampires are Bela Lugosi look-a-likes, think again. The main character, Mick St. John is a hunk. ..and a vampire. He's a private investigator stuggling to exist among the mortals while keeping his identity a well as the identity of several hundred other vampires living in the Los Angeles area.
I know it sounds a little crazy...but the show is good...really good...and now really GONE!
If you can, try to catch it in reruns...or maybe it'll turn up on a DVD available at your local store.