Friday, May 23, 2008


It's just my luck. ..again. Whenever I find a TV show that I's cancelled. And it's happened again. I seem to "discover" shows about halfway through the season, start watching and then POW!! Cancelled!!
I'm talking about a show called "Moonlight". It usually airs on Friday nights. Its a great show with interesting characters who just happen to be vampires. Yep! You heard me right. in Dracula. Except these are modern day vampires who work, drive (nice cars too I might add), and use all the modern conveniences available to all of us mere mortals.
And if you're thinking these vampires are Bela Lugosi look-a-likes, think again. The main character, Mick St. John is a hunk. ..and a vampire. He's a private investigator stuggling to exist among the mortals while keeping his identity a well as the identity of several hundred other vampires living in the Los Angeles area.
I know it sounds a little crazy...but the show is good...really good...and now really GONE!
If you can, try to catch it in reruns...or maybe it'll turn up on a DVD available at your local store.

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